Are you ready for the New Year$%: There are several items that need to be considered as you start the new year in your Work From Home Business.
1. Taxes - Start gathering those receipts and pay stubs. You should consult a small business tax site to be sure that you claim all deductions and do it properly. One such site is
2. Newsletters, Websites, etc. - Make sure that you review all of your different means of advertising for references to last year. You should be sure everything with a reference to last year is updated to reflect the new year. Your visitors will realize you are serious and dedicated to your business if they see new information and not "old stuff" with last year's date.
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3. Advertising - We all advertise (I hope). Tracking your advertising methods is extremely important to see which are benefiting your business the most. Just because you are getting visitors to your site does not mean you are productive. These visitors need to be looking for what you are offering~so~be sure to track your advertising to get the best benefit out there.
4. Take a leap of faith - Jump into a new advertising method that you have not used before such as Ezines, Blogging, etc.. - you just never know what might be the next top advertising method if you don't give it a chance.
5. Multiple Streams of Income - Consider adding another stream of income to your present business adventure. Multiple streams of income enable many of us to be full-time Work From Home business owners. Be smart in your quest and use the Free Trials to your advantage. When you sign up for a Free Trial, use that time to learn the business, see if it is for you, etc.
Keep a record of the start and end date of your trial period. Many times, marketers will sign up for a Free Trial, get busy, and forget about it. Before you know it, you are being charged for a program you have not even used. Recording and monitoring those trial periods will give you the ability to see what the opportunity is all about and to opt out if it is not for you.
6. Forums - Utilize Forums that have members involved in your area of business. These can be very beneficial to those just starting out. It is a great learning tool and there are many ideas to be shared. You can post questions and receive answers from experienced business owners, avoiding many of the mistakes often made in home businesses. I am personally a member of several forums and would be happy to share with you. Just drop me an to receive that information.
7. Stop and smell the roses - So often, as home business owners, we spend too much time on our business. It can't all happen in a day, so, stop and smell the roses along the way. Spend time with your family, take a walk, read a book~ aren't those the joys of being home!
Here's to a happy and prosperous New Year!